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Eat Your Greens Garden

Eat Your Greens Garden

This years collection of seeds has been put together with five of my favourite varieties for the Eat Your Greens Garden. They have been selected for their flavours and colours for delicious salads and sauteed greens all season long. (and into the winter if you're into season extension!)
Varieties included in this collection:
Arugula - This easy to grow Arugula can be harvest as baby leaf or left to grow to maturity. Excellent for cut and come again growing. Sow seeds every 3 weeks for early spring for continuous harvest.

Lettuce, Cracoviensis - A French heirlooom dating back to c.1885. Stunning in appearance, slightly ruffled leaves with hues of maroon on green. This variety is quick to bolt, plant in very early spring for best results.

Lettuce, Forellenschluss - Originally developed in Germany c.1790, but considered an Austrian heirloom. Best harvested when 4 - 5" for cut and come again growth, or it can be left to form 6 - 8" tall romaine heads. the leaves are green with maroon speckling and flavour is subtle and sweet. Best planted for spring or fall harvests as this variety can bolt quickly in the summer heat.

Spinach, Long Standing Bloomsdale - Another heirloom, introduced to catalogues in the US c. 1908. It iso now one of the most popular varieties around. Glossy dark green leaves hold a lovely nutty flavour even in the warmer months.

Swiss Chard, Rhubard Red - An old standard heirloom variety producing prolific leaves that can be harvested again and again. Cut the outer leaves when they have reached 10" or more and leave the smaller, inner leaves to be harvested later. We harvest once a week to keep the plants growing strong and filling our plates. Beautiful, hearty plant. Don't forget to use the stems, they add lovely colour to any sautee or stir fry.

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