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Heirloom Tomato Collection

Heirloom Tomato Collection


Closing Sale!

This years collection of seeds has been put together with five of my favourite varieties for an Heirloom Tomato Garden. 
Inside you will find the beginning for a great summer salad, tomato sauce, and a colourful garden.
Varieties in this years collection include:
Paul Robeson, a beefsteak heirloom from Russia. This variety sets fruit early and we are usually enjoying its sweet flavour by August.

Stupice, a small salad tomato hailing from the former Czechoslovakia, this plant produces lots of 2" - 3" diameter fruit from mid July until the end of September.

Principe Borghese, as red grape tomato from Italy and used for sun drying. This also makes a great snacking tomato. Smaller plants, big production.

Rosso Sicilian, a flower shaped tomato excellent for stuffing, sauteed, or paste. Italian origins.

Coyote, a small, yellow cherry tomato hailing from the mountains of Mexico. Huge plants produce an abundance of little yellow sweet sweet sweet fruit. A favourite with kids.
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